O.M.A.H.A.I Executive Board of Directors
Hoda Thabet
Founder & Chairperson I have been working as an educator and cultural consultant with the Ministry of Welfare (Iceland) for a group of women and children refugees in Iceland. I have been working closely with the Ministry, the town councils, the kindergartens, and the schools in addition to Iceland’s Red Cross and the local organizations - to ensure the effective delivery of the designed programs and achieving the desired set of goals. I have over 20 years of professional experience in the field of Education, including the University's higher education programs. I am placed on the European Asylum Support Office's list of external experts in the fields of Translation, Education, E-learning, and Coaching. I am a certified tutor to teach children/teens mindfulness from the Connected Kids organization in the UK and I am certified as a PEERS® program provider for children and teens by UCLA Semel Institute for Neuroscience & Human Behaviour- USA. Education: PhD in Comparative Literature (Women studies) Upper Secondary School Teaching, Postgraduate Diploma MA in Modern Arabic Literature MA in English Literature BA in Arabic (Major) and English (Minor) BTEC Professional Diploma in Executive Human Resources Management LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hodathabet Website: http://contrapuntal.weebly.com Publication: Please visit http://www.amazon.com Nordic Migrant Expert Forum: https://pub.norden.org/us2022-423/#99418 |
Guðbjörg Ottósdóttir
Executive Board Member I am Associate Prof. in social work in Iceland, specializing in migration and multi-cultural social work. Prior to becoming a lecturer, I worked for many years as a social worker with migrants and refugees in Iceland. I have conducted research related to migration, disability and care with adults and children migrants, both in Iceland and the UK. I have a keen interest in issues of human rights and the promotion of equal opportunities to education and welfare. Education: Ph.D in Human Geography MA Sociology BA in Social Work |
Our story is an individual and collective story of the “Otherd”. Our story is the story of a life journey that has been shaped through forces of weakness and strength: the weakness of the societal dungeons and the wings of inner-strength. This is the story of the “Otherd” who spread its inner- wings toward horizons of freedom. Through offering the learned experiences of our life-journey as the “Otherd” we hope to encourage the many Otherd inner-wings toward their infinite opportunities of growth. Through channeling the universal principles of equality and justice we hope to raise our helping hands toward empowering every individual who is imprisoned in the dungeons of Otherness.
Each individual from the founding board members team has a life-long-personal experience of being placed on the Otherness spectrum. Each one of us has professional experience in working closely with individuals who are being placed on the Otherness spectrum. Because of our personal and professional experiences of Otherness we are highly qualified in offering distinctive and unique specialized services towards strengthening the “ Otherd” inner-wings.
Our expertise has grown through our educational specializations as well as decades of professional experience of working with individuals and groups that are placed on the Otherness spectrum. Because we have been placed on the Otherness spectrum, each one of us has experienced imprisonment in the societal dungeons and because we have been working with the Otherd, each one of us has developed deep thorough understanding and knowledge of the soul breaking forces that paralyze the Otherd into various grey shades of nihilism. Our personal experience as the Otherd, our professional education and knowledge, and our skills which we have gained through working with the Otherd are the base for our passion to build inner and outer bridges between individuals, societies, and cultures.
Each individual from the founding board members team has a life-long-personal experience of being placed on the Otherness spectrum. Each one of us has professional experience in working closely with individuals who are being placed on the Otherness spectrum. Because of our personal and professional experiences of Otherness we are highly qualified in offering distinctive and unique specialized services towards strengthening the “ Otherd” inner-wings.
Our expertise has grown through our educational specializations as well as decades of professional experience of working with individuals and groups that are placed on the Otherness spectrum. Because we have been placed on the Otherness spectrum, each one of us has experienced imprisonment in the societal dungeons and because we have been working with the Otherd, each one of us has developed deep thorough understanding and knowledge of the soul breaking forces that paralyze the Otherd into various grey shades of nihilism. Our personal experience as the Otherd, our professional education and knowledge, and our skills which we have gained through working with the Otherd are the base for our passion to build inner and outer bridges between individuals, societies, and cultures.